Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Order : 1886

The Order : 1886 is a third-person action-adventure set in an 1886 alternate history London,  Neo-Victorian main location of the events that take place. It is the heart of the Industrial Revolution and the skies are littered with blimps. Being the capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, it is as well as the seat of power for the monarchy and the British Empire.
By 1886, it is a sprawling, industrial metropolis connected by elevated trains as well as the Underground. However, in recent years, a series of class uprisings as well as a string of bizarre murders has tested the strength of the city's line of defense, the Knights of the Round Table.

The game follows the legendary Knights of the Round Table as they battle to keep the world safe from half-breeds, such as werewolves and vampires, as well as fringe organizations rebelling against the government.

The gameplay revolves around cover-based shooting mechanics and features a variety of weapons. The player progresses through the story by journeying through linear paths, defeating enemies and traversing obstacles. Quick time events and melee takedowns are also implemented and several collectibles are scattered around the environment.

After all the mixed reviews from critics about the game, I decided to give a chance to Sir Galahad of the Round Table. Then I was right after all. It is not the best TPS I had ever played, but it does the job. The cinemascope picture works very well for this kind of game, game that take from a lot of movies like David Cage use to do with Quantic Dream production.

If you have already played one of his game, you will be all set. It's just missing fast reaction and move set for the knights of the round table that will give them more descents fighting aptitude. Because when you're surrounded by guns, it will be appreciate to have a forward/backward roll to dodge easily. Maybe they will do it in a sequel. I very hope so, because for Sony, it will be a new IP to establish and with some gameplay adjustments, I really think Ready at Down got something. Background, character and art direction are very cool in my opinion. Fingers crossed.

All Playstation owners should play The Order: 1886, then now you can find it for cheap in store or online. Have fun !